another step.
Oh it is so exciting for me to sit down and write this update. On Monday I was able to get an evaluation and was checked out of my formal study of the National Culture and Language, Tok Pisin!!! Honestly, it is just the coolest thing to be at this place. I questioned and wondered if I could ever learn another language, I have felt stupid, humbled …and by God’s strength and grace alone, I am here. And I know the next language will be 10x harder than this last one but in the midst I see the Lord fortifying my faith in Him to give me exactly what I need each day. And for today, I celebrate this little victory!
Since March I have been spending 40-50+ hours a week in culture/language study... meeting with language helpers, listening to recordings, transcribing, working on grammar points, writing stories, going out to their homes, gardens, being a part of their lives, observing, participating, asking questions, etc. Many of those things I will continue to do so that my ability to communicate grows deeper and more robust, but now my time is freed up a bit to start looking ahead, talking more in-depth with potential teammates, and Lord-willing allocating into a tribal location sooner than later. When will that be? Where will I go? Who will it be with? What is my timeline? Only the Lord knows....I don’t say that flippantly. I wish I knew with who and when and where and how but I am in a season of waiting on His perfect timing.
From the prompting of a good friend, I am going to start praying and fasting, committing one day a month to seeking His will on this. If you would like to join me in that, email me back and I will email you the specifics! “Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.” Acts 13:3
I have teamed up to lead a weekly Bible study at my house for the 3 center workers. Right now we are going through the book of Ruth and last week there was a distinct moment I will never forget....(here is what was happening in my head) “Lord, Lisa is sharing about her life and Your Word and I understand everything she is saying and I am responding to her and she is understanding me – IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE?! did I get here? How am I the one that is so privileged to do this? God, this is seriously the coolest thing ever. God, you are so awesome, universally making Yourself known in and through Your Word. Thanks for letting me be a part of this.”
It is easy to look back, to remember my “old” life, to think about how confidently and sometimes effortlessly I would go through my days and wish I could go back to doing something I am naturally gifted in but it is in these moments that I taste and see the Lord’s goodness, provision and faithfulness that leads to a heart of gratitude. Pray with me for these women: Lisa, Meta, Rosie as we study God’s Word together in the midst of this season of waiting for me and for Christina and I as we write lessons and lead this time.
longing for a heavenly country.
“All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one”....Hebrews 11:13-16
I am also teaching a missiology class virtually for The Joshua Wilderness Institute at Hume Lake (technology makes our world so small!). I will be bringing in other church planters too from around the world to speak on different topics as we study the church’s mission with respect to missionary work. It will be a 6am class for me here in PNG but I am really looking forward to it, grateful for the margin to be a part of something like this.