living in the present.

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”.  
Psalm 119:105

For as long as I can remember, my brain tends to operate a few steps ahead of my current situation. Those who really know me can probably attest to how I like to mentally (sometimes physically) program out events/situations to go smoothly, to be organized, to be most efficient,  etc...I’m constantly trying to plan for the best possible outcome in various different scenarios.  And yet, I have learned (and am continuing to learn) through my years of life on this planet, that it is ok to plan but to hold it loosely. These days my future can often feel like I am sitting on the shore of a beach, socked in by fog, unable to see or visualize the future. And with that the Lord is simply asking me to trust Him for the little bit of illuminated path in front of me that I can see. To be faithful in the NOW and to trust Him for the future. I oddly I am learning to find rest in just being present with the task immediately before me.


I moved from the Highlands Region of Papua New Guinea to the coastal province of Madang. I am currently living on a New Tribes Mission’s center with another family who just arrived into the country for church planting and two interns from Liberty University that are here for a semester internship.

My goal is to spend 35 hours a week in culture + Tok Pisin Study with a desire of checking out of the language by the end of this summer. In addition to culture and language study we will have weekly modules taught by church planters and area leaders coming to share needs/works ready to be opened within the different regions here in PNG. Pray I am diligent in my studies and God continues to give me wisdom for the future on who to partner with and where to go.

Before coming to Madang, many people warned me of the heat/humidity and even though my hair is a little out of control, I am loving being by the water again and I am not really minding the heat. The other day as we were walking to take a quick dip in the ocean, I was so in awe of the view and laughed at how God is so good to give us such blessings. Each of us have left behind liberties, freedoms, friendships and comforts of life in the US but I am consistently aware of what a gift it is to serve the Lord and how He provides such sweet moments all the time. Sometimes this comes in the form of patience our citizen friends have in teaching us language, through the truth found in His Word, the kindness of a co-worker or in the breathtaking beauty of my surroundings.

Thank you for being a part of this with me. From the tiniest, quickest prayer, texts and emails of encouragement to the unbelievable expressions of love and kindness in small and big ways, you remind me that God’s goodness, presence and desire to make His name known abounds in each of us.

L I F E I S B U T A B R E A T H, L I V E I T W E L L. love, rach

(here are some pics of Madang)

rachel closs