encouraged, thankful,

A quick update to say THANK YOU for praying for us as a staff and for the Interface students, over 30 young adults from Canada, New Zealand and the USA came to Papua New Guinea for about 6 weeks to learn what is involved in cross-cultural missions. As a result 17 students have decided to pursue church planting and 10 desire be a part of some type of a support role!! Keep praying for them, they are a special bunch. As a staff we were blown away by the maturity, wisdom and sheer amount of FUN these students be honest, I already miss them!! Towards the end of our time we divided the group in three and all went into a remote location where Ethnos360 missionaries have been serving. Each of these places can remember their lives before the truth of God’s love, forgiveness and abundant life was taught, understood and transformed their lives. As they shared testimonies, you couldn’t help but think... “this really is worth it.”
It's worth every step of obedience, every risk taken, every moment of uncertainty, every loss that comes from living so far away from friends, family, American comforts and privileges...the privilege far outweighs the sacrifice. I know in some ways I am just beginning this chapter of life here and so for that I am reminded how important it is to hold and cherish these moments where God shows me how faithful He is.

If you follow me on social media, you would have seen that a team of 2 missionaries and 3 national men went into the location that I hope to move in to. They went to sit down with the leaders and believers in this place to access their needs and the viability of me moving in and providing further discipleship to the women and youth. They have returned, written a report and placed it in the hands of the leadership here in Papua New Guinea. I am unsure of the process from here, but please keep praying. I am hoping there will be a decision soon.
Lastly, today I head into a new bush location. The missionaries just allocated into this location in December and are in the process of learning language and culture. They asked if I could come help them for a week on a specific project and I am grateful to go in. Pray I will be an encouragement, for health, safety and to be an example of Christ to each of the people living there as they have never heard of who He is yet….may our lives reflect His love, grace, kindness despite not being able to communicate yet.